INTUL company successfully operates on the Russian construction market in the field of balanced supply for large international construction facilities.
For our clients' convenience, our supply specialists and engineers speak Chinese and English.
The main goal of our company is thorough fine tuning of partnership, mutually beneficial and long-term relationship in the field of supply for construction facilities.
INTUL company successfully operates on the Russian construction market in the field of balanced supply for large international construction facilities.
For our clients' convenience, our supply specialists and engineers speak Chinese and English.
Our main growth area is cooperation with major Chinese and Turkish construction companies. Working together, our engineers and supply specialists are ready to react to all of your requests and provide technically adequate and economically feasible solutions for your every task as soon as possible.
The main goal of our company is thorough fine tuning of partnership, mutually beneficial and long-term relationship in the field of supply for construction facilities.
Our company's portfolio includes more than 10,000 products. Besides, we constantly work on product range expansion in order to satisfy growing demand of our customers.
Apart from supply for construction facilities, our company offers building and assembly and finishing works, as well as design of raised floor, hinged ventilated facades and installation and cable support systems.